
Terms of Services Industrial Strength Europe Official

Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-11 um 17.59.43


Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen Online-Shop Industrial Strength Europe

Stand Januar 2015

1. Geltungsbereich

Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (nachfolgend „AGB“ genannt) gelten für den Online-Shop von Industrial Strength Europe Official / Jamming Piercing GmbH nachfolgend „Online-Shop“ genannt) getätigten Bestellungen und abgeschlossenen Verträge.

Der Online-Shop behält sich das Recht vor, die AGB‘s zu ändern. Massgebend ist jeweils die zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung geltende Version der AGB, welche für diese Bestellung nicht einseitig geändert werden kann.

2. Angebot

Alle Bestellungen sind verbindlich und können nach absenden nicht mehr geändert werden. 

Das Angebot gilt, solange es im Online-Shop ersichtlich ist und/oder der Vorrat reicht. Preis- und Sortimentsänderungen sind jederzeit möglich. Die in Werbung, Prospekten, im Online-Shop usw. gezeigten Abbildungen dienen der Illustration und sind unverbindlich.

Alle Produkte werden unsteril geliefert (ausser Dermal Punches). Für die Anwendung unserer Produkte wird keine Haftung übernommen. Alle Produkte werden einzeln verkauft, ausser separat Vermerkt.

3. Selbstabholung

Nach Prüfung der Bestellung wird der Kundschaft mitgeteilt, ob das Produkt reserviert werden konnte (Reservationsbestätigung). Ab Eingang der Reservationsbestätigung kann die Kundschaft das Produkt innerhalb der angegebenen Frist während den Öffnungszeiten zum beim Kauf in der Filiale gültigen Preis kaufen. Der Preis in der Filiale kann vom Preis im Online-Shop zum Zeitpunkt der Reservationsanfrage abweichen.

Für Selbstabholungen werden die Schweizer Mwst. verrechnet. 

4. Bestellung

Die Darstellung der Produkte im Online-Shop ist kein rechtlich verbindlicher Antrag, sondern ein unverbindlicher Online-Katalog bzw. eine unverbindliche Aufforderung an die Kundschaft, das Produkt und oder die Dienstleistung im Online-Shop zu bestellen. Eine Bestellung gilt als Angebot an den Online-Shop zum Abschluss eines Vertrages.

Nach Übermittlung der Bestellung erhält die Kundschaft automatisch eine Eingangsbestätigung, die dokumentiert, dass die Bestellung beim Online-Shop eingegangen ist. Nach Empfang dieser Eingangsbestätigung kann die Kundschaft die Bestellungen nicht mehr ändern und ist an diese gebunden.

Der Online-Shop ist ohne Nennung von Gründen frei, Bestellungen ganz oder teilweise abzulehnen. In diesem Fall muss die Kundschaft nicht unbedingt informiert. Weitere Ansprüche sind ausgeschlossen. Vorübergehend nicht lieferbare Produkte können nicht vorgemerkt werden.

5. Vertragsabschluss

Ein Vertrag kommt erst durch den Versand der bestellten Produkte bzw. Vereinbarung des Liefertermins bzw. Zustellung der Abholeinladung zustande. Sobald die Bestellung versendet wurde, wird dies der Kundschaft per E-Mail mitgeteilt.

Ist der Vertragsgegenstand allerdings eine Spezialanfertigungen oder eine Sonderbestellung, so kommt der Vertrag mit der schriftlichen Annahme der Bestellung durch den Online-Shop zustande.

6. Preis

Die Preise verstehen sich in Schweizer Franken für die Schweiz / Liechtenstein und in € für alle anderen Länder, exkl. Mehrwertsteuer (MwSt.), die Mwst. ist am Ende der Rechnung aufgelistet.Bestellte kostenpflichtige Zusatzleistungen wie Lieferung, werden im Warenkorb und auf der Rechnung separat aufgeführt.

7. Zahlungsvarianten

Zahlungen müssen in Schweizer Franken geleistet werden, wenn in die Schweiz geliefert resp. € für Lieferungen ausserhalb der Schweiz.

a) Vorauskasse

Der Online-Shop kann Vorauskasse verlangen. Bei Vorauskasse erfolgt die Lieferung erst nach Eingang der Zahlung. Die bestellten Produkte werden bis zum Zahlungseingang nicht reserviert und können zwischenzeitlich vergriffen sein.

b) Elektronische Zahlungsmittel

 Als Zahlungsmittel werden online-Banking, Bank-/oder Postüberweisung und Paypal akzeptiert. Kreditkarte (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) werden nur über Paypal.

8. Eigentumsvorbehalt

Bestellte Produkte bleiben bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung Eigentum vom Online-Shop.

9. Liefervarianten

a) Selbstabholung siehe Ziffer 3

b) Lieferung (Paketsendung / Heimlieferung)

Werden Produkte mit offensichtlichen Schäden an der Verpackung oder am Inhalt angeliefert, so hat die Kundschaft diese, unbeschadet ihrer Garantierechte, sofort beim Dienstleister (z. B. Spediteur, Post) zu reklamieren und die Annahme zu verweigern. Die Kundschaft ist verpflichtet, sich eine Schadenbestätigungsmeldung des Dienstleisters (z. B. Spediteur, Post) aushändigen zu lassen. Alle Transportschäden sind zusätzlich unverzüglich dem Online-Shop zu melden.

Nimmt die Kundschaft die bestellten Produkte am vereinbarten Liefertermin nicht entgegen, kann der Online-Shop der Kundschaft die entstandenen Lieferkosten und Umtriebe belasten und behält sich das Recht vor, vom Vertrag zurück zu treten.

Die Kosten für Lieferung werden im Warenkorb separat, zusätzlich zum Preis der bestellten Produkte, ausgewiesen.

10. Liefertermin

Viele Artikel werden nach der Bestellung hergestellt. Einzelne Produkte können 2-3 Monate dauern, bis sie ausgeliefert werden. In seltenen Fällen kann es zu noch längeren Lieferzeiten kommen

Im Falle einer (Teil-) Lieferunmöglichkeit wird die entsprechende Bestellung storniert, die Kundschaft informiert.

Kann der Online-Shop den provisorischen resp. den mit der Kundschaft vereinbarten Liefertermin nicht einhalten, ist die Kundschaft berechtigt, ihre Bestellung schriftlich zu annullieren. Die Annullierung ist gültig, wenn sie nach Ablauf des Liefertermins und vor dem Versand der Bestellung schriftlich beim Online-Shop eintrifft.

Weitere Ansprüche aus Lieferverzug oder (Teil-) Ausfall der Lieferung sind ausgeschlossen.

Bei Spezialanfertigungen und Sonderbestellungen besteht kein Recht auf Annullierung im Falle eines Lieferverzugs.

11. Rückgabe Bedingungen

Bitte befolge die Schmuck Pflege Anleitung. Schmuck welcher nicht richtig behandelt wurde (z.B. mit Werkzeugen), wird nicht zurückgenommen.

Defekt gelieferter Schmuck, muss innerhalb von 48h nach Erhalt, per Email gemeldet werden. Nach Abklärung innerhalb weiteren 48h zurückgeschickt werden. Defekter Schmuck wird nur durch das selbige Schmuckstück ersetzt.

Wir akzeptieren nur ungetragenen Schmuck in der Original Verpackung. Schmuck muss in einer sicheren Verpackung (Schachtel oder Luftpolster Briefumschlag) zurückgeschickt werden. Für verloren gegangene Sendungen wird nicht gehaftet. 
Eine Rechnungskopie muss beilegt werden.

Rücksendungen müssen schriftlich angekündigt werden.

Wir akzeptieren Retouren für ungewollte oder falsch bestellte Schmuckstücke innerhalb von 14 Tagen. Für getragenen Schmuck erlischt aus hygienischen Gründen jegliche Garantie oder Anspruch auf Umtausch.

Eine Rückgabe ist innerhalb von 14 Kalendertagen nach Filialabholung bzw. ab dem Datum des Poststempels oder der Liefer- bzw. Empfangsbestätigung möglich. Kann die Kundschaft Liefer- bzw. Empfangsbestätigung nicht vorweisen, beginnt die 14-tägige Frist ab Versand der Bestellung.

Das Produkt muss originalverpackt, unbeschadet, sauber, vollständig samt allfälligem Zubehör zurückgegeben werden. Ein allfälliges Siegel darf nicht gebrochen sein.

Vom Rückgaberecht ausgeschlossen sind:

- Getragene / kontaminierte Produkte

- Spezialanfertigungen und Sonderbestellungen

- Unsachgemäs behandelter Schmuck (z.B.Werkzeuge)

Die Kosten für die Rückgabe sind von der Kundschaft selbst zu tragen. 
Gibt die Kundschaft das Produkt originalverpackt, unbeschadet, sauber, vollständig samt allfälligem Zubehör und Kaufnachweis zurück, so wird ihr die bereits getätigte Zahlung unter Abzug allfälliger bereits erbrachter Dienstleistungen zurück erstattet oder Umgetauscht.

12. Mangelrüge

Werden Produkte mit offensichtlichen Schäden an der Verpackung oder am Inhalt angeliefert, so hat die Kundschaft diese, unbeschadet ihrer Garantierechte, sofort beim Dienstleister (z. B. Post) zu reklamieren und die Annahme zu verweigern. Die Kundschaft ist verpflichtet, sich eine Schadenbestätigungsmeldung des Dienstleisters (z. B. Post) aushändigen zu lassen. Alle Transportschäden sind zusätzlich unverzüglich dem Online-Shop zu melden.
Weiter obliegt es der Kundschaft, die bestellten Produkte sofort bei Erhalt zu prüfen und allfällige Mängel oder Abweichungen von der Bestellung innert 14 Kalendertagen schriftlich beim Online-Shop.

13. Datenschutz

Der Online-Shop weist darauf hin, dass die im Rahmen des Vertragsschlusses aufgenommenen Daten zur Erfüllung der Verpflichtung aus dem Kaufvertrag erhoben, verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Die zur Leistungserbringung und Vertragserfüllung notwendigen Daten können auch an beauftragte Dienstleistungspartner (z.B. Logistikunternehmen, Servicepartner, Inkassofirma) weitergegeben werden, unter anderem auch ins Ausland in Länder, welche allenfalls nicht über einen gleichwertigen Datenschutz verfügen. Die Kundschaft erklärt sich mit der Zustimmung zu diesen AGB‘s mit dieser Datennutzung einverstanden. Eine detailierte Ausführung findest du unten under "Private Policy".

14. Anwendbares Recht und Gerichtsstand

Auf die Rechtsbeziehung zwischen dem Online-Shop und der Kundschaft ist Schweizer Recht, unter Ausschluss von kollisionsrechtlichen Normen sowie dem Wiener Kaufrecht, anwendbar.

Salvatorische Klausel

Sollten Bestimmungen dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen teilweise unwirksam sein oder werden, bleiben die Bedingungen im übrigen wirksam. Die Parteien sind gehalten, die unwirksamen Bestimmungen durch eine rechtsgültige Regelung zu ersetzen, die dem wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Sinn und Zweck der unwirksamen Bestimmung möglichst nahe kommt.

Es gilt ausschliesslich schweizerisches Recht, Gerichtsstand ist St.Gallen

St.Gallen, 03.01.2015

English Version


General terms and conditions online shop Industrial Strength Europe

As of January 2015

1. Scope

The general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") apply to orders placed and contracts concluded for the online shop of Industrial Strength Europe Official / Jamming Piercing GmbH hereinafter referred to as "online shop".

The online shop reserves the right to change the terms and conditions. The version of the GTC applicable at the time of the order is decisive, which cannot be unilaterally changed for this order.

2. Offer

All orders are binding and cannot be changed after they have been sent.

The offer is valid as long as it is visible in the online shop and / or stocks last. Price and range changes are possible at any time. The images shown in advertising, brochures, in the online shop etc. are for illustration purposes and are non-binding.

All products are supplied non-sterile (except dermal punches). No liability is assumed for the use of our products. All products are sold individually, except separately noted.

3. Pickup by the customer

After checking the order, the customer is informed whether the product could be reserved (reservation confirmation). From the receipt of the reservation confirmation, customers can buy the product within the specified period during opening hours at the price that was valid when buying in the branch. The price in the branch may differ from the price in the online shop at the time of the reservation request.

For self-pickups, the Swiss VAT. charged.

4. Order

The presentation of the products in the online shop is not a legally binding application, but a non-binding online catalog or a non-binding invitation to customers to order the product and or service in the online shop. An order is considered an offer to the online shop to conclude a contract.

After submitting the order, the customer automatically receives an acknowledgment of receipt that documents that the order has been received by the online shop. After receiving this confirmation of receipt, the customer can no longer change the orders and is bound to them.

The online shop is free to refuse orders in whole or in part without giving reasons. In this case, customers do not necessarily have to be informed. Further claims are excluded. Products that are temporarily unavailable cannot be reserved.

5. Conclusion of contract

A contract is only concluded when the ordered products are dispatched or the delivery date is agreed or the pickup invitation is delivered. As soon as the order has been dispatched, the customer will be informed of this by email.

However, if the subject of the contract is a custom-made product or a special order, the contract is concluded with the written acceptance of the order by the online shop.

6th price

The prices are in Swiss Francs for Switzerland / Liechtenstein and in € for all other countries, excluding VAT (VAT), the VAT. is listed at the end of the invoice. Paid additional services such as delivery are listed separately in the shopping cart and on the invoice.

7. Payment options

Payments must be made in Swiss francs if delivered to Switzerland. € for deliveries outside of Switzerland.

a) Prepayment

The online shop can request prepayment. With prepayment, delivery will only take place after receipt of payment. The ordered products are not reserved until receipt of payment and may be out of print in the meantime.

b) Electronic means of payment

 Online banking, bank / or postal transfer and PayPal are accepted methods of payment. Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) are only accepted through Paypal.

8. Retention of title

Ordered products remain the property of the online shop until full payment has been made.

9. Delivery variants

a) For pick-up, see section 3

b) Delivery (parcel delivery / home delivery)

If products are delivered with obvious damage to the packaging or the content, the customer must, without prejudice to their warranty rights, immediately complain to the service provider (e.g. freight forwarder, post office) and refuse acceptance. The customer is obliged to receive a damage confirmation from the service provider (e.g. freight forwarder, post office). All transport damage must also be reported to the online shop immediately.

If the customer does not accept the ordered products on the agreed delivery date, the customer's online shop can debit the resulting delivery costs and activities and reserves the right to withdraw from the contract.

The costs for delivery are shown separately in the shopping cart, in addition to the price of the ordered products.

10. Delivery date

Many items are shipped after ordering


PRIVACY POLICY (only in english)


Domestic Policy 

By accessing or otherwise using this Website you agree to be bound contractually by this Privacy Policy. Effective Date: 25.05.2018.

  1. Modification of Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, with prior notice, by posting amended terms on this Website. Your continued use indicates your acceptance of the amended Privacy Policy. You should check this Privacy Policy periodically for modifications by referencing the Effective Date posted above.
  2. Additional "Click-Wrapped" Agreements. This Privacy Policy provides our general policies regarding the collection and use of private information and our use of email to contact you. We reserve the right to offer to you participation in such additional agreements in "click-wrapped" format (where you may indicate your agreement by clicking on a button or icon) that may provide specific exceptions to these general policies. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between this Privacy Policy and any such "click-wrapped" agreement, the "click-wrapped" agreement shall prevail.
  3. Privacy Statement. Jamming Piercing GmbH operates this Website. All references to "we", "us" shall refer to Jamming Piercing GmbH. We regard the privacy and security of user information as a critical component of the services that we offer to our users. The following information explains our information gathering and dissemination practices.
  4. Registration Data. We reserve the right to require you to register to receive certain benefits, Products or services and to provide certain registration data including your name, country, zip code or postal code (as appropriate) and email address ("Registration Data").

5a. Personally Identifiable Data. Personally identifiable information is any information that concerns you individually or can be used to identify or contact you ('Personally Identifiable Information'). For example, the Registration Data includes Personally Identifiable Information, as does any other information you submit that identifies you individually. We will not collect any Personally Identifiable Information from you unless you voluntarily submit such information to us. Therefore, if you do not want us to obtain any Personally Identifiable Information about you, do not voluntarily submit such information to us. You do not have to provide us with any Personally Identifiable Information to visit or browse our website. However, if you choose to withhold requested information, you may not be able to visit or view all sections of our website. If you become a registered user and make postings on the website, we may collect information about your postings. This information may include, without limitation, areas of our website on which you post, the content of your post, posts that responded to, and the individuals or entities with whom you communicate. You may also choose to communicate with us through email, via our website, via telephone, in writing, or though any other means. We collect all information in these communications, and because such information may be Personally Identifiable Information, we will only use such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

5b. Automatic Collection of Non-Personally Identifiable Information. When you visit or browse our website, or become a registered user of our website, we may also collect information that by itself cannot be used to identify or contact you, such as demographic information (like age, profession or gender) ('Non-Personally Identifiable Information'). Non-Personally Identifiable Information may also include certain anonymous information about the type of browser you use, the server name and IP address through which you access the Internet (such as or, the date and time you access our website, the pages you access while on our website, and the Internet address of the website, if any, from which you linked directly to our website. Non-Personally Identifiable Information is used to help us to understand the characteristics of people who visit our website and to improve and market our website in general. In the event that we link any Non-Personally Identifiable Information with Personally Identifiable Information, we will treat such information as Personally Identifiable Information and only use such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

5c. Information We Use. We may use the Personally Identifiable Information collected through our website primarily for such purposes as:

  • helping to establish and verify the identity of users;
  • opening, maintaining, administering and servicing users' accounts or memberships;
  • processing postings and sending related communications;
  • providing services and support to users;
  • improving our website, including tailoring it to users' preferences;
  • responding to users' questions, inquiries, comments and instructions;
  • maintaining the security and integrity of our systems; and
  • fulfilling user's Product orders.

In general, we use the Personally Identifiable Information collected on our website to help us understand who uses our website and how it is used, to personalize your experience, to assist you in using our website and to improve our website.

If you become a registered member of our website, we may use your information to send you a welcoming email that may confirm your user name and password. If you decide to 'opt-in' we may send you electronic newsletters, contact you about online products, related information and news items that may be of interest to you, and provide you with targeted feedback. If you decide you no longer want to receive these communications from us, we will provide you with an option to opt-out and change your preferences.

We also use the Non-Personally Identifiable Information collected automatically by our servers primarily to help us administer and improve our website.

  1. Cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's computer. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to refuse cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of a web site if you do so. We reserve the right to use cookies to collect demographic and profile data for purposes of delivering content specific to your interests. Advertisers that display ads on our Website may also use cookies; however we do not have access to the information obtained from cookies issued from other sites.
  2. IP Addresses. IP addresses are used by your computer every time you are connected to the Internet. Your IP address is a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer. IP addresses are automatically collected by our web server as part of demographic and profile data known as "traffic data" so that data (such as the web pages you request) can be sent to you. We will not use your IP address to attempt to identify your personal information.
  3. Referrers. A Referrer is the information passed along by a web browser that references the Web URL you linked from, and is automatically collected by our web server as "traffic data". We reserve the right to use this information to identify broad demographic trends that may be used to provide information tailored to your interests. You will not be personally identified from this information.
  4. System Information. System information that we collect as part of "traffic data" includes time, the type of web browser being used, the operating system/platform, and CPU speed. Your web browser sends this information automatically when you are connected to a web site. We reserve the right to use this information for purposes of identifying broad demographic trends and may be used to provide information appropriate for your computer system. You will not be personally identified from this information.
  5. Sharing of Information. We feel strongly that your personal data should only be seen by you, unless you choose to share it with others. We will never sell; rent, license or exchange personally identifiable data with a third party without your permission, except as otherwise provided. No personally identifiable data or information will be shared with advertisers or partners without your permission. Some of your information may be shared on an aggregate basis only, as a part of a larger set of statistics (for example, statistics that indicate the percentage of our members that are female), but that information will not be sufficient to permit the recipient to identify you. Notwithstanding the forgoing, we will only disclose personally identifiable data without your permission in the following limited circumstances: (i) if we are required to do so by law, or (ii) if we have the good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to applicable laws or comply with legal process served on us, or to protect and defend this site's rights or property or the rights or property of an account holder of this site. We may disclose Personally Identifiable Information about you to our affiliates. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, "Affiliates" means any person or entity which directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with us, whether by ownership or otherwise. Any information relating to you that we provide to our Affiliates will be treated by those Affiliates in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Jamming Piercing GmbH may provide to third parties information about you that does not allow you to be identified or contacted, including where such information is combined with similar information of other users of our website. For instance, we may provide information to third parties regarding the number of unique users who visit our website, the demographic breakdown of the registered users of our website, or the activities that visitors to our website engage in while on our website. The third parties to which we may provide this information may include potential or actual advertisers, providers of advertising services (including website tracking services), commercial partners, sponsors, licensees, researchers and other similar parties. We may employ independent contractors, vendors and suppliers (collectively, "Outside Contractors") to provide specific services and products related to our website and online products, such as hosting and maintaining our message boards or chat rooms and developing applications for our website and e-mail services or processing payments and making deliveries. These Outside Contractors may sometimes have limited access to information collected on our website, including your Personally Identifiable Information, in the course of providing products or services to us. Access to your Personally Identifiable Information by these Outside Contractors is limited to the information reasonably necessary in order for the Outside Contractors to perform their limited function for us. We also require that these Outside Contractors (i) protect the privacy of your Personally Identifiable Information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy, and (ii) not use or disclose your Personally Identifiable Information for any purpose other than providing us with the products or services for which we contracted.
  6. Other Web Sites, Links, And Advertisers. This website contains links to other web sites. We reserve this right to have advertisers or other third parties on this website who may also have links on this website and may link to this website. The privacy practices of advertisers or web sites linked to this website are not covered by this privacy statement, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites. Additionally, if you make a purchase from a store or merchant listed on or linked to this website, any information that you give, such as your credit card number and contact information, is provided to those merchants. These merchants have separate privacy and data collection practices, and we have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies. You should be careful to review any privacy policies posted on any of these sites before signing up with and using them.
  7. Security. Information collected by this website is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public. Our employees are required by us to maintain and uphold your privacy and security and are aware of our privacy and security policies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, WE CANNOT ENSURE OR WARRANT THE SECURITY OF ANY INFORMATION YOU TRANSMIT TO US, AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.
  8. No Liability for Acts of Third Parties. Although we will use reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information (including credit card information), transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. Jamming Piercing GmbH will have no liability for disclosure of information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties. In addition, we will release specific information about you to comply with any valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute or court order. We will also release specific information in special cases, such as if there is an attempted breach of security or a physical threat to you or others.

Please note that if you give out personal identification information online -- that information can be collected and used by third parties. Although we strive to protect our users' privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of information you post in these forums. You disclose such information at your own risk. 14. Transfer of Your Information. As we continue to develop our business, we might acquire or buy other businesses or assets. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets. Also, in the event that all or substantially all of our business or assets are acquired, both personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable user and customer information will be one of the transferred assets.

  1. Minors. This website is directed toward and designed for use by persons aged 18 or the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which you reside. We will not approve applications of, or establish or maintain accounts or memberships for, any child that we knows to be under the age of 18. We do not solicit or knowingly collect Personally Identifiable Information from children under the age of 18. If we nevertheless discover that we have received Personally Identifiable Information from an individual who indicates that he or she is, or that we otherwise have reason to believe is, under the age of 18, we will promptly delete such information from our systems. Additionally, a child's parent or legal guardian may request that the child's information be corrected or promptly deleted from our files by contacting our Privacy Coordinator at the telephone number or address set out below.
  2. Contact Us. If you have submitted personally identifiable information through this site, or if someone else has submitted your personally identifiable information, and you would like to review, request changes or have that information deleted from our databases, please contact us via e-mail or send a letter to our Privacy Compliance Coordinator at the address indicated below. We will then use reasonable efforts to change or remove your personally identifiable information from our files, unless we are entitled or required to retain it pursuant to other agreements or by law. You may also contact us through either of the above methods to request or review the personally identifiable information that we have collected about you. Jamming Piercing GmbH will use reasonable efforts to supply you with this information and correct any factual inaccuracies in this information. Our contact information is as follows:

Jamming Piercing GmbH.

____________ ____________

Contact: Privacy Coordinator – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telephone: ++41 71 222 90 47

Davidstr. 9a, 9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland


International Policy:


Jamming Piercing GmbH Privacy Policy

Effective date: May 25., 2018


Jamming Piercing GmbH respects your concerns about privacy. We abides by the principles set out by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“the Data Protection Directive”), as transposed by national laws of EU Member States and as such laws may from time to time be amended, the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act and any US Federal privacy laws, regulations and principles   regarding the collection, storage, use, transfer and other processing of Personal Data (as defined below) transferred from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland to the United States.  

For purposes of this policy:

“Customer” means any natural or legal person using the website of Jamming Piercing GmbH to conduct an online transaction or with the intention to conduct a transaction and providing her personal data (as defined below) to create an online account,  sign up for receiving newsletters or any how contact Jamming Piercing GmbH in this regard.  

“Employee” means any current, former or prospective employee, temporary worker, intern or other non-permanent employee of Jamming Piercing GmbH or any current or prospective subsidiary or affiliate of Jamming Piercing GmbH.

European Economic Area (“EEA”) means the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the UK. 

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity and includes  information,  that (i) relates to an identified or identifiable Customer, Employee or Supplier’s representative , (ii) can be linked to that Customer, Employee or Supplier’s representative , (iii) is transferred to Jamming Piercing GmbH in the EEA or Switzerland, and (iv) is recorded in any form.

“Sensitive Personal Data” means Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership or concerning health or sex, and the commission or alleged commission of any offense, any proceedings for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by the individual or the disposal of such proceedings, or the sentence of any court in such proceedings.  

“Supplier” means any supplier, vendor or other third party located in the USA and/or the EEA or Switzerland that provides services or products to Jamming Piercing GmbH.

How Jamming Piercing GmbHObtains Personal Data

  1. A) Customer Personal Data

Jamming Piercing GmbH may obtain and process certain Personal Data about Customers in connection with their use of the website to conduct online purchases or otherwise contact. This Personal Data is provided only with the explicit and unequivocal consent of the concerned data subject and may include information such as:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Credit Card Information
  • Email address

Jamming Piercing GmbH processes this Customer Personal Data when carrying out and supporting online purchases and other customer related activities in this regard, including:

  • Conducting online sale of its products via a credit card or other means of payment
  • Submitting newsletters and other marketing material to customers
  • Conducting targeted marketing based on Customers' previously expressed preferences
  • Providing all types of customer support.
  • Communicating with credit institutions in resolving payment issues with customers' credit cards or otherwise
  • Complying with applicable legal requirements, including government reporting and specific local law requirements.


 We may also obtain Personal Data about Employees in connection with their employment or other working relationship with Jamming Piercing GmbH.   This Personal Data is provided only with the explicit and unequivocal consent of the concerned data subject and may include information such as:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Credit Card Information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Email address
  • Internal payroll identification numbers
  • Government-issued identification information, passport or visa information
  • Educational history
  • Employment history
  • Information about job performance and compensation, and
  • Financial account information.

We processes this Employee Personal Data when carrying out and supporting HR functions and activities, including:  

  • Recruiting and hiring job applicants
  • Managing Employee communications and relations
  • Providing compensation and benefits 
  • Administering payroll 
  • Processing corporate expenses and reimbursements
  • Managing Employee participation in human resources plans and programs 
  • Carrying out obligations under employment contracts 
  • Managing Employee performance 
  • Conducting training and talent development 
  • Facilitating Employee relocations and international assignments
  • Managing Employee headcount and office allocation
  • Managing the Employee termination process 
  • Managing information technology and communications systems, such as the corporate email system and company directory
  • Conducting ethics and disciplinary investigations
  • Administering Employee grievances and claims
  • Managing audit and compliance matters
  • Conducting system maintenance and similar tasks. 
  • Complying with applicable legal obligations, including government reporting and specific local law requirements, and
  • For other general human resources purposes.

Jamming Piercing GmbH also may obtain and process Personal Data about Employees’ emergency contacts and other individuals (such as spouse, family members, dependents and beneficiaries) to the extent our Employees provide the information to us.  We process this information to comply with our legal obligations and for benefits administration and other internal administrative purposes.  

In addition, Jamming Piercing GmbH may obtain Personal Data associated with its Suppliers’ representatives.  This information may include contact information and financial account information of the Suppliers’ representatives.  Jamming Piercing GmbH uses this information to manage its relationships with its Suppliers, process payments, expenses and reimbursements, and carry out our obligations under its contracts with the Suppliers.  

Jamming Piercing GmbH practices regarding the collection, storage, use, transfer, and other processing of Personal Data comply, as appropriate under the laws of Member States transposing the EU Data protection Directive, comply with the principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, access, security, data integrity, and enforcement and oversight.  


Through this Privacy Policy, We notifies Customers  and Employees  about the purposes for which it is collected and uses their Personal Data, the types of third parties to whom Jamming Piercing GmbH discloses the Personal Data, the choices relevant individuals have for limiting the use and disclosure of their Personal Data, and how to contact us about the company’s practices concerning Personal Data.    

Relevant information may also  be found in privacy notices, manuals and policies pertaining to specific data processing activities.  


We may disclose Personal Data without offering an opportunity to opt out (i) to service providers the company has retained to perform services on its behalf,  (ii) if it is required to do so by law or legal process, (iii) to law enforcement or other government authorities, or (iv) when we believes disclosure is necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.  Jamming Piercing GmbH also reserves the right to transfer Personal Data in the event it sells or transfers all or a portion of its business or assets (including in the event of a reorganization, dissolution or liquidation).  We use Personal Data only for the purposes indicated in this Policy.  To the extent required by applicable law, Jamming Piercing GmbH obtains prior opt-in consent at the time of collection from Employees for the processing of Sensitive Personal Data.  


Onward Transfer of Personal Data

We may share Personal Data with third parties as indicated in the “Choice” section above.  Except as permitted or required by applicable law, we require third parties to whom it discloses Personal Data and who are not subject to the EU Data Protection Directive to contractually agree to provide at least the same level of protection for Personal Data as is required by the relevant national legislation of the EU Member State where any such party is established or is operating from.  

Overall, Jamming Piercing GmbH requires third parties who are subject to the EU Data Protection Directive, its transposing laws and the jurisdiction of any EU Member State Data Protection Authority to ensure compliance with any such applicable laws and completion of any mandatory registration or other compliance requirements.


Employees and Suppliers and their representatives will, if requested, be provided with access to their Personal Data to correct, amend that information where it is invalid or inaccurate and/or delete as appropriate.  Jamming Piercing GmbH may limit or deny access to Personal Data where permitted by the or otherwise provided by applicable law.  


Jamming Piercing GmbH takes reasonable precautions, using up to date systems and procedures to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.  The relevant systems and procedures, which provide for system security and protect Personal Data from breaches, are described in the Technology Resources, Use, and Security Policy, available to all of our employees, and the IT Operations Manual which is applied by competent Jamming Piercing GmbH personnel who manage and support our information technology systems and processes.

Data Integrity

Jamming Piercing GmbH takes reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data the company processes is (i) relevant for the purposes for which the Personal Data is to be used, (ii) reliable for its intended use, and (iii) accurate, complete and current.  In this regard, Jamming Piercing GmbH depends on Employees and Suppliers’ representatives to update and correct their Personal Data to the extent necessary for the purposes for which the information was collected or subsequently authorized by the individuals.  

Enforcement and Oversight

Jamming Piercing GmbH has established procedures for periodically verifying implementation of and compliance with the national data protection laws in transposition of the EU Data protection Directive and any other applicable law. Jamming Piercing GmbH conducts an annual self-assessment of its Personal Data practices to verify that the attestations and assertions the company makes about its privacy practices are true and that the company’s privacy practices have been implemented as represented.  

Employees and Suppliers’ representatives may file a complaint concerning Jamming Piercing GmbH processing of their Personal Data with the competent corporate officers and company's representatives, whose contact information is below.  We will take steps to remedy any issues arising out of a failure to comply with applicable law.  

If an Employee’s complaint cannot be resolved through our internal processes, we will cooperate with the relevant EEA or Swiss data protection authority, as appropriate.

Jamming Piercing GmbH undertakes to comply with national legislation of EEA Member States in transposition of the EU Data Protection Directive and conduct any registration or notification to the competent Swiss or EEA data protection authorities, including but not limited to the filing of Standard Contractual Clauses, when required, to secure the lawful character of personal data transfers from the EEA to Switzerland.

Jamming Piercing GmbH intends to have the EU DPAs and Swiss FDPIC serve as the Independent Recourse Mechanism for all categories of personal data covered by the self-certification or merely for ‘organization human resources data’.

How to Contact Jamming Piercing GmbH

To report a personal data breach or to ask questions or express concerns about personal data collection, management and processing, please contact the following officers and representatives of Jamming Piercing GmbH / Industrial Strength Europe in Switzerland:  


Contact: Privacy Coordinator – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telephone: ++41 71 222 90 47

Davidstr. 9a, 9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland


For any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.